Source code for simplesam

# pylint: disable=E1101, dangerous-default-value
Classes to handle alignments in the SAM format.

Reader -> Sam -> Writer

import sys
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError: #python 2.6 or 3.6+
    if sys.version_info >= (3,6):
        OrderedDict = dict
        from ordereddict import OrderedDict

import os
from itertools import groupby
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from io import TextIOWrapper
import re
from six import PY3, string_types

    from multiprocessing.dummy.connection import Connection
except ImportError: #python2
    from _multiprocessing import Connection

__version__ = ''

[docs]class DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict):
[docs] def __init__(self, default, items=[]): super(DefaultOrderedDict, self).__init__(items) self._default = default
def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = value = self._default() return value
class GenomicOrder(object): def __gt__(self, other): if self.rname != other.rname: return self.rname > other.rname return self.pos > other.pos def __lt__(self, other): if self.rname != other.rname: return self.rname < other.rname return self.pos < other.pos def __eq__(self, other): return self.rname == other.rname and self.pos == other.pos
[docs]class Reader(object): """ Read SAM/BAM format file as an iterable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f, regions=False, kind=None, samtools_path="samtools"): ext = None self.samtools_path = samtools_path self.spool = None # use this to catch alignment during reader scraping self.type = 'sam' try: self._f_name = _, ext = os.path.splitext( if == '<stdin>': # stdin stream self._sam_init(f) elif (ext is not None and ext.lower()) == '.bam' or (kind is not None and kind.lower() == 'bam'): self._bam_init(f, regions) self.type = 'bam' elif (ext is not None and ext.lower()) == '.sam' or (kind is not None and kind.lower() == 'sam'): self._sam_init(f) else: self._sam_init(f) if (regions and (ext is not None and ext.lower() != '.bam') and kind is None) or (regions and kind is not None and kind.lower() != 'bam'): self.__exit__() raise ValueError("Region support requires bam file.") except AttributeError: self._f_name = None if isinstance(f, Connection): self._pipe_init(f) else: self._sam_init(f)
def _pipe_init(self, f): header = [] for line in iter(f.recv, ''): if line[0] == '@': header.append(line.rstrip('\n\r')) else: self.spool = line break self.header_as_dict(header) self.f = iter(f.recv, '') self._conn = 'pipe' def _sam_init(self, f): header = [] self.f = f for line in self.f: if line[0] == '@': header.append(line.rstrip('\n\r')) else: self.spool = line break self.header_as_dict(header) self._conn = 'file' def _bam_init(self, f, regions): pline = [self.samtools_path, 'view', '-H',] try: p = Popen(pline, bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError: raise OSError('Samtools must be installed for BAM file support!\n') self.header_as_dict([line.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n\r') for line in p.stdout]) p.wait() if regions: try: open(''.join([, '.bai'])) except EnvironmentError: sys.stderr.write("BAM index not found. Attempting to index file.\n") index_p = Popen([self.samtools_path, 'index',], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _, err = index_p.communicate() if index_p.returncode > 0 or"fail", str(err)): raise OSError("Indexing failed. Is the BAM file sorted?\n") else: sys.stderr.write("Index created successfully.\n") pline = [self.samtools_path, 'view',, regions] else: pline = [self.samtools_path, 'view',] self.p = Popen(pline, bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if PY3: self.f = TextIOWrapper(self.p.stdout) else: self.f = self.p.stdout self._conn = 'proc'
[docs] def next(self): """ Returns the next :class:`.Sam` object """ try: if self.spool: # this will be the first alignment in a SAM file or stream line = self.spool.rstrip('\n\r') self.spool = None else: line = next(self.f).rstrip('\n\r') if line == '': raise StopIteration fields = line.split('\t') required = fields[:11] tags = fields[11:] return Sam(*required, tags=tags) except StopIteration: raise StopIteration
def __next__(self): return def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of reads in an indexed BAM file. Not implemented for SAM files. """ if self.type != 'bam': raise NotImplementedError("len(Reader) is only implemented for BAM files.") elif self.type == 'bam': return sum(bam_read_count(self._f_name, self.samtools_path))
[docs] def subsample(self, n): """ Returns an interator that draws every nth read from the input file. Returns :class:`.Sam`. """ for i, line in enumerate(self.f): if i % n == 0: fields = line.split('\t') required = fields[:11] tags = fields[11:] yield Sam(*required, tags=tags)
[docs] def header_as_dict(self, header): """ Parse the header list and return a nested dictionary. """ self.header = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict) for line in header: line = line.split('\t') key, fields = (line[0], line[1:]) try: self.header[key][fields[0]] = fields[1:] except IndexError: self.header[key][fields[0]] = ['']
@property def seqs(self): """ Return just the sequence names from the @SQ library as a generator. """ for key in self.header['@SQ'].keys(): yield key.split(':')[1]
[docs] def tile_genome(self, width): """ Return a generator of UCSC-style regions tiling ``width``. """ assert isinstance(width, int) for k, v in self.header['@SQ'].items(): rname = k.split(':')[1] seqlength = v[0].split(':')[1] for region in tile_region(rname, 1, int(seqlength), width): yield region
def close(self): self.__exit__() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): if self._conn == 'file': self.f.close() if self._conn == 'proc': self.f.close() self.p.terminate()
[docs]class Writer(object): """ Write SAM/BAM format file from :class:`.Sam` objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f, header=None): try: _, ext = os.path.splitext( if ext == '.bam': raise NotImplementedError('Bam writing support is not implemented.\n') # why not just pipe to samtools? except AttributeError: pass self.file = f if header is not None: self.header = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict) self._merge_header(header) else: self.header = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict) self.header['@HD']['VN:1.0'] = ['SO:unknown'] self._header_dict_format()
def _merge_header(self, header): for key, values in header.items(): for k, v in values.items(): self.header[key][k] = v def _header_dict_format(self): for key, value in self.header.items(): for k, v in value.items(): tags = '\t'.join(v) self.file.write('{key}\t{k}\t{tags}\n'.format(**locals()))
[docs] def write(self, sam): """ Write the string representation of the ``sam`` :class:`.Sam` object. """ self.file.write(str(sam))
def close(self): self.__exit__() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.file.close()
[docs]class Sam(GenomicOrder): """ Object representation of a SAM entry. """ # # operations that consume the reference _cigar_ref = set(('M', 'D', 'N', '=', 'X', 'EQ')) # operations that consume the query _cigar_query = set(('M', 'I', 'S', '=', 'X', 'EQ')) # operations that do not represent an alignment _cigar_no_align = set(('H', 'P')) _valid_cigar = _cigar_ref | _cigar_query | _cigar_no_align # operations that can be represented as aligned to the reference _cigar_align = _cigar_ref & _cigar_query # operations that only consume the reference _cigar_ref_only = _cigar_ref - _cigar_align # operations that only consume the query _cigar_query_only = _cigar_query - _cigar_align
[docs] def __init__(self, qname='', flag=4, rname='*', pos=0, mapq=255, cigar='*', rnext='*', pnext=0, tlen=0, seq='*', qual='*', tags=[]): self.qname = qname self.flag = int(flag) self.rname = rname self.pos = int(pos) self.mapq = int(mapq) self.cigar = cigar self.rnext = rnext self.pnext = int(pnext) self.tlen = int(tlen) self.seq = seq self.qual = qual self._tags = tags self._cache = dict()
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns the string representation of a SAM entry. Correspondes to one line in the on-disk format of a SAM file. """ if self.tags: tag_fields = '\t'.join([encode_tag(tag, self.tags[tag]) for tag in sorted(self.tags.keys())]) else: tag_fields = '\t'.join(self._tags) return '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\t{9}\t{10}\t{11}\n'.format(self.qname, str(self.flag), self.rname, str(self.pos), str(self.mapq), self.cigar, self.rnext, str(self.pnext), str(self.tlen), self.seq, self.qual, tag_fields)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Sam({0}:{1}:{2})".format(self.rname, self.pos, self.qname)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns the length of the portion of ``self.seq`` aligned to the reference. Unaligned reads will have len() == 0. Insertions (I) and soft-clipped portions (S) will not contribute to the aligned length. >>> x = Sam(cigar='8M2I4M1D3M4S') >>> len(x) 16 """ return sum(c[0] for c in self.cigars if c[1] in self._cigar_ref)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, tag): """ Retreives the SAM tag named "tag" as a tuple: (tag_name, data). The data type of the tag is interpreted as the proper Python object type. >>> x = Sam(tags=['NM:i:0', 'ZZ:Z:xyz']) >>> x['NM'] 0 >>> x['ZZ'] 'xyz' """ return self.tags[tag]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, tag, data): """ Stores the SAM tag named "tag" with the value "data". The data type of the tag is interpreted from the Python object type. >>> x = Sam(tags=[]) >>> x['NM'] = 0 >>> x['NM'] 0 """ self.tags[tag] = data
[docs] def index_of(self, pos): """ Return the relative index within the alignment from a genomic position 'pos' """ i = pos - self.pos if i >= 0: return i else: raise IndexError("Position {0:n} not in {1}.".format(pos, self.qname))
def get(self, key, default_value): try: return self[key] except KeyError: return default_value def cigar_split(self): # if self.cigar == "*": yield (0, None) return cig_iter = groupby(self.cigar, lambda c: c.isdigit()) for _, n in cig_iter: op = int("".join(n)), "".join(next(cig_iter)[1]) if op[1] in self._valid_cigar: yield op else: raise ValueError("CIGAR operation %s in record %s is invalid." % (op[1], self.qname))
[docs] def gapped(self, attr, gap_char='-'): """ Return a :class:`.Sam` sequence attribute or tag with all deletions in the reference sequence represented as 'gap_char' and all insertions in the reference sequence removed. A sequence could be :class:``Sam.seq``, ``Sam.qual``, or any :class:`.Sam` tag that represents an aligned sequence, such as a methylation tag for bisulfite sequencing libraries. >>> x = Sam(*'r001\t99\tref\t7\t30\t8M2I4M1D3M\t=\t37\t39\tTTAGATAAAGGATACTG\t*'.split()) >>> x.gapped('seq') 'TTAGATAAGATA-CTG' >>> x = Sam(*'r001\t99\tref\t7\t30\t8M2I4M1D3M\t=\t37\t39\tTTAGATAAAGGATACTG\t*'.split(), tags=['ZM:Z:.........M....M.M']) >>> x.gapped('ZM') '............-M.M' """ try: ungapped = getattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: ungapped = self[attr] # get dictionary key (tag) if attribute is missing if len(ungapped) != len(self.seq): raise ValueError("The length of the '%s' attribute is not equal to the length of Sam.seq!" % attr) gapped = [] i = 0 for n, t in self.cigars: if t in self._cigar_align: gapped.extend(ungapped[i:i + n]) i += n elif t in self._cigar_ref_only: gapped.extend([gap_char] * n) elif t in self._cigar_query_only: i += n elif t in self._cigar_no_align: pass return ''.join(gapped)
[docs] def parse_md(self): """ Return the ungapped reference sequence from the MD tag, if present. """ try: return self._cache['parse_md'] except KeyError: pass try: md = self['MD'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('MD tag not found in SAM record.') ref_seq = list(self.gapped('seq')) md_match = re.findall(r"([0-9]+)\^?([A-Z]+)?", md) ref_seq_i = 0 for i, b in md_match: ref_seq_i += int(i) for mismatch in b: try: ref_seq[ref_seq_i] = mismatch except IndexError: raise IndexError(locals()) ref_seq_i += 1 self._cache['parse_md'] = ref_seq return ref_seq
@property def cigars(self): """ Returns the CIGAR string as a tuple. >>> x = Sam(cigar='8M2I4M1D3M') >>> x.cigars ((8, 'M'), (2, 'I'), (4, 'M'), (1, 'D'), (3, 'M')) """ try: return self._cache['cigars'] except KeyError: self._cache['cigars'] = tuple(self.cigar_split()) return self._cache['cigars'] @property def tags(self): """ Parses the tags string to a dictionary if necessary. >>> x = Sam(tags=['XU:Z:cgttttaa', 'XB:Z:cttacgttaagagttaac', 'MD:Z:75', 'NM:i:0', 'NH:i:1', 'RG:Z:1']) >>> sorted(x.tags.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) [('MD', '75'), ('NH', 1), ('NM', 0), ('RG', '1'), ('XB', 'cttacgttaagagttaac'), ('XU', 'cgttttaa')] """ try: return self._cache['tags'] except KeyError: self._cache['tags'] = parse_sam_tags(self._tags) return self._cache['tags'] @property def paired(self): """ Returns True if the read is paired and each segment properly aligned according to the aligner. """ return bool(self.flag & 0x2) @property def mapped(self): """ Returns True of the read is mapped. """ return not (self.flag & 0x4) @property def secondary(self): """ Returns True if the read alignment is secondary. """ return bool(self.flag & 0x100) @property def reverse(self): """ Returns True if ``Sam.seq`` is being reverse complemented. """ return bool(self.flag & 0x10) @property def passing(self): """ Returns True if the read is passing filters, such as platform/vendor quality controls. """ return not bool(self.flag & 0x200) @property def duplicate(self): """ Returns True if the read is a PCR or optical duplicate. """ return bool(self.flag & 0x400) @property def coords(self): """ Returns a range of genomic coordinates for the query sequence positions in the gapped alignment. """ return range(self.pos, self.pos + len(self)) @property def safename(self): """Return ``Sam.qname`` without paired-end identifier if it exists""" if self.qname[-2] == '/': return self.qname[:-2] else: return self.qname
[docs]def parse_sam_tags(tagfields): """ Return a dictionary containing the tags """ return dict([(tag, data) for tag, dtype, data in [decode_tag(x) for x in tagfields]])
[docs]def encode_tag(tag, data): """ Write a SAM tag in the format ``TAG:TYPE:data``. Infers the data type from the Python object type. >>> encode_tag('YM', '#""9O"1@!J') 'YM:Z:#""9O"1@!J' """ if isinstance(data, string_types): data_type = 'Z' elif isinstance(data, int): data_type = 'i' elif isinstance(data, float): data_type = 'f' else: raise NotImplementedError("Data {0} cannot be encoded as string, integer, or float tag.".format(data)) value = ':'.join((tag, data_type, str(data))) return value
[docs]def decode_tag(tag_string): """ Parse a SAM format tag to a (tag, type, data) tuple. Python object types for data are set using the type code. Supported type codes are: A, i, f, Z, H, B >>> decode_tag('YM:Z:#""9O"1@!J') ('YM', 'Z', '#""9O"1@!J') >>> decode_tag('XS:i:5') ('XS', 'i', 5) >>> decode_tag('XF:f:100.5') ('XF', 'f', 100.5) """ try: tag, data_type, data = tag_string.split(':') except ValueError: match = re.match(r'([A-Z]{2}):([iZfHB]):(\S+)', tag_string) tag = data_type = data = if data_type == 'i': return (tag, data_type, int(data)) elif data_type == 'Z': return (tag, data_type, data) elif data_type == 'f': return (tag, data_type, float(data)) elif data_type == 'A': # this is just a special case of a character return (tag, data_type, data) elif data_type == 'H': raise NotImplementedError("Hex array SAM tags are currently not parsed.") elif data_type == 'B': raise NotImplementedError("Byte array SAM tags are currently not parsed.") else: raise NotImplementedError("Tag {0} cannot be parsed.".format(tag_string))
[docs]def tile_region(rname, start, end, step): """ Make non-overlapping tiled windows from the specified region in the UCSC-style string format. >>> list(tile_region('chr1', 1, 250, 100)) ['chr1:1-100', 'chr1:101-200', 'chr1:201-250'] >>> list(tile_region('chr1', 1, 200, 100)) ['chr1:1-100', 'chr1:101-200'] """ while start + step <= end: yield '%s:%d-%d' % (rname, start, start + step - 1) start += step if start < end: yield '%s:%d-%d' % (rname, start, end)
[docs]def bam_read_count(bamfile, samtools_path="samtools"): """ Return a tuple of the number of mapped and unmapped reads in a BAM file """ p = Popen([samtools_path, 'idxstats', bamfile], stdout=PIPE) mapped = 0 unmapped = 0 for line in p.stdout: rname, rlen, nm, nu = line.rstrip().split() mapped += int(nm) unmapped += int(nu) return (mapped, unmapped)
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()